Friendship, Family, and Faith
We welcome everyone who wants to serve God, and share His love and grace with others.
St. Andrew is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We’re located on Beaver Grade Road, in the heart of Moon Township, near Pittsburgh International Airport.
We invite you to join our family.
Our Vision
To celebrate and worship God as an inclusive family; serving Him and inspiring others to know God’s love and grace.
Our Mission
Baptized in Christ, we spread the Word of God and share His love
Online giving is available at St. Andrew for both regular offering and for special contributions.
To sign up just click the button below​

Directions for watching Live Stream Worship
Connect to St. Andrew's facebook by clicking the link or copying it to your browser. facebook.com/standrewmoontwp
You do not need to have a facebook account or login to facebook to view the service. Just ignore any bannners asking you to login. If a window pops up asking you to login, click "Not Now" on the buttom of the pop up.